On Thursday 12th September the RSA Island Centre hosted the second plaque unveiling of the year, dedicated to the sacrifices of workers at the Royal Small Arms Factory during the Second world War.
As in January, the RSA Trust provided a buffet lunch for representatives of factory workers, Enfield’s civic society and the firearms community in the United Kingdom. We were honoured to have amongst our guests our local MP, Joan Ryan, Derek Stimpson of the Worshipful Company of Gunmakers and Dr. Matthew Ford, the guest honoured with unveiling the plaque, who gave an incredibly interesting speech, ended from applause not only from the assembled guests but from our bell, Albert, striking twelve. Our Chairman, Gary Walker, gave trhe opening speech before the Royal Armouries’ Head of Archives Philip Abbott introduced Dr. Ford.
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Proin libero lectus, sagittis quis pharetra a, malesuada ut elit. Quisque sed augue in urna euismod imperdiet non condimentum magna. Praesent fermentum felis diam, non ornare velit vulputate id. Etiam efficitur aliquet porttitor. Sed pretium vulputate laoreet. Donec mi velit, auctor a tempor luctus, faucibus sed nulla.
Nunc consectetur tortor sit amet facilisis suscipit. Vivamus accumsan purus ex, vitae finibus nisi commodo vitae. Donec in dolor pellentesque, egestas orci ac, mattis leo. Etiam hendrerit sollicitudin sem id tempor. Nunc in ante ac tellus imperdiet luctus. Integer nec lorem nisi. Donec nec vehicula magna. Ut ullamcorper, lorem sed tempus consequat, diam eros consequat ex, at pellentesque mi risus in erat. Sed nec dignissim erat.
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